
Write-A-Thon: A legacy we want to build upon!


Table of contents:

  • What is Write-A-Thon?
  • What was the need for Write-A-Thon?
  • What is Content Writing?
  • Future of Content Writing?
  • What do students think about this competition?
  • Our 1st Write-A-Thon winners
  • What we want to achieve from Write-A-Thon

What is Write-A-Thon?

We all have different talents within ourselves that we hardly ever explore. Sometimes we know about it but cannot act on it in time and then all we are left with are regrets. Writing is one of the rarest talents that you can find in a layman. There is a notion about writing that I think is pretty redundant in today’s times, but still, I hear this sentence everywhere around me. It is the notion which says that ‘if only you are born with the talent of writing, only then you will be able to write good stories.’

We at CBitss Technologies don’t believe in this notion at all. We believe in the youth of this country that has millions of stories to tell. We know that they want their stories to reach out to the world and be read by millions. For that, we need to train the students that are interested in writing.

For a long time, our children have been given the wrong impression about the profession of writing. They have been taught that writing is a profession that doesn’t pay right, or rather, writers are losers in their lives who just took up pen and paper because they had no friends or that writers are not cool enough. Well, good luck to people who have this mentality because I can name a hundred writers who are millionaires because they were that good at their craft of writing.

Was there a need for Write-A-Thon?

To answer this question, we will have to go a little deeper into the subject. We live in a technological era. An era where we have everything to make our days easier. We have Artificial Intelligence today, so why do we still need writers in the world now? This is one of the most degrading questions according to me. And to give you an example, if AI was so good, then why is the whole HOLLYWOOD staging a protest? Does anyone know why there has been a call for a strike in the Hollywood industry because of the same statement?

We take writers for granted and that’s not just prevalent in one country. This has been seen in almost all the countries. As mentioned above, we are living in the era of technology and it is everywhere around us. But technology cannot write a paragraph or a story for you that you will ever connect to or be emotional for. Only a human hand has the power to encapsulate the feelings that run in a human mind and body when they see someone they love or hate. That’s why human intelligence is so superior to AI.

That’s why we decided to host this competition at the behest of our own IELTS and EnglishPro students. All of them participated happily and we received some great entries. We had not imagined such a response from the students as the whole preparation for the event was completed within two or three days. But we pulled it off and to be honest, this was one of the best events I have been to or have hosted. Only because it was related to what I do.

With this competition, we only wanted to check how talented our batch of students were and surprisingly, a few of them have agreed to think about writing seriously. We are living in an India that is shifting all of its work online. In this scenario, even the terms of writing have changed. You don’t need to be a storyteller to become a successful writer. If you are well-read and have expertise in at least one subject, then you can join the profession of Content Writing.

What is Content Writing?

Writing content for multiple platforms and purposes, particularly for digital media, is the work of a content writer. Blog entries, articles, website text, social media updates, product descriptions, and other written materials are all produced by content writers. Their main objective is to give their target audience relevant, quality material.

When I was new in this field, I didn’t even know how to apply for a job as a content writer. Today, I am working with the only company that is thinking about our young and budding writers. Content writing is an art that can help companies in increasing their sales and profits.

Future of content writing:

We at CBitss Technologies see a very bright future for the profession of content writing. Also, we have the highest regard for all the students who participated in this event and made it a successful one at that. According to us, the future of content writing in India will also depend on how we treat our writers today.

Why would any child or teenager want to go into a field that they know is not going to garner them any respect or money? For that, we will have to change the way we think about writing. It is no longer a lousy low-paying job that is done by nobodies. Content writing requires a lot of concentration and training. It is one of the most creative jobs I have ever done and that is why we organised an event like Write-A-Thon. It was aimed at providing a platform to youngsters who have a passion for writing but do not have the stage to showcase their talent.

We see a bright future for content writing because of various reasons. There is an increase in entrepreneurial ventures which regularly need writers to take charge of their marketing teams. Some magazines and newspapers are shifting to the digital stage and they are continuously looking for talented writers that can handle their continuous workload. At the rate with which India’s economy is booming right now, writers are going to form a big part of the Indian businesses.

What students thought about this competition:

Before and after the competition, we tried to chit-chat with the competitors on topics like their experience of the contest, what they have learnt and whether they would like to look at content writing as their profession. While all the competitors were excited before the competition, some of them disappeared after they had submitted their papers. We knew exactly then that the remaining students were the ones who were truly interested in writing and learning the art of Content creation. Among our winners, there were a few more candidates who stayed back and we had a surprise prepared for them.

All of them had a smile on their faces as they collected their certificates from the jury. Everyone said that this was the first time they had heard of a competition like this where writers were getting awarded for writing on simple topics for just an hour. This made us feel even more proud of ourselves that we were able to pull off a competition that nobody had even heard about before. It was like the cherry on the cake.

Our 1st Write-A-Thon winners:

We were so proud to present our first-ever writing trophies to our students. The top three writers were not expecting it themselves but it was the power of their writing that compelled us to declare their names as the winners.

Our winner Ms. Parul Sharma and 1st runner-up Ms. Rigzen Dolker are students of our EnglishPro Classes where they are mastering their overall English skills. Our 2nd runner-up, Ms Sanya Chauhan is also a student from our Digital marketing course. It was a moment of joy when I found out that all these young writers were from our institute. That’s when our team took a decision.

What we want to achieve from Write-A-Thon:

After everything was over and all our participants went back home, we had a team meeting and discussed the positives and negatives of the whole event. That’s when we decided that this Write-A-Thon should not be a one-time thing. We must make this a half-yearly or yearly event so that we can encourage more and more writers to join the community and realise the power of their gift.

Later, we agreed on another decision to introduce a Content-Writing Crash Course for the students of this event. Anyone from the competition can join us if they are interested in the field of content writing. Also, the crash course that we are announcing is completely free of cost where students will only come, learn and apply their talents. This is our way of contributing to the community. By giving our youngsters a skill they can rely upon for the rest of their lives, we will be building a more scientific and technology-driven population for the future.

We hope that we will be able to continue with this trend of Writing Competitions and keep serving the community of Indian writers.

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